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About Hysterectomy, Menopause and Me...

On 19th August 2021, aged 45, I underwent a radical hysterectomy, including my ovaries, plunging me straight into the surgical menopause.  Years of heavy periods, PMDD symptoms and struggling were over.  For me, as with so many women, it was a huge relief to have the surgery, despite knowing it would trigger the menopause, although this is not the same story for everyone.  For some women, undergoing a hysterectomy at short notice - which can be for a number of different medical reasons, although primarily cancer - can be a huge shock mentally as well as physically.  It can also happen to women in their 20's and 30's who may not yet have been able to start a family, making the emotional impact even more devastating.


Since my surgery, I have been part of many online support groups, and time and time again, it is shocking to see that women who have had or are due to have a hysterectomy - whether by choice or because they have to as an emergency - and who are then experiencing menopause, feel very much alone and frightened by their symptoms, what is to come, what the surgery (if they are waiting to having it) will do to their body, and then receiving the support they need afterwards.  

Whilst the conversation and understanding around menopause has increased massively over the last few years, I feel that there is still plenty of scope for more! More talk, more appreciation of what women are going through, more laughter about the funny bits (HRT patches dropping off in the middle of the street anyone?!?), and more honestly around the good, the bad and the really bloody ugly bits! So, spending money I don't have to set it up, and taking the plunge (which is unusual for me as I am mostly risk averse and procrastinate about doing anything that puts me 'out there'), here is my blog to do just that - talk about my hysterectomy, my menopause, and me. And if I end up with just 10 people reading it, who will probably be friends and family - hi guys, and thanks! - at least I have tried.  But I also sincerely hope that somewhere in these pages and posts, something that I write will resonate with someone I don't know, and it will actually helps them through their PMDD, heavy periods, hysterectomy and menopause, and that, to me, will mean this has been worth it.

Please get in touchy either on Facebook or by email with your stories, and I will try and respond to you - otherwise, I hope that you find something of use to you in your journey.

All the best,


Me, just after my surgery August 2021

This photo was me, just hours after my surgery. Nearly 12 months on, I feel like a different person. I'm still working on the HRT - its not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.  But, I no longer have to plan my life around my periods due to the heavy bleeding;  I'm not issuing warnings of extreme mood swings to loved ones in the run up to a period; nor am I dealing with the gut wrenching guilt and debilitating depression that can accompany PMDD.  My life has changed immeasurably for the better. 

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